Key Steps to Building Your Dream Home
The chance to design and build your own home in Nelson is an exciting opportunity. It's a chance to think about who you are, what you want, how you want to live, and to design and build a home that fits you perfectly.
Building your dream home or renovation can also have its challenges and frustrations. It can help to understand the essential steps that need to happen along the way.
Firstly, you’ll need to do some research. Think about what you can afford, what you want to achieve in a home and collect pictures of designs you like.
Choose a designer and Nelson builder. Working with a professional and experienced team who understand your dream will mean a more enjoyable experience as they guide you through this complex journey.
Develop the project brief and establish a budget. Using a spreadsheet system such as Excel is ideal for developing a budget as you can continuously update and modify it through the build.
Develop the concept design. Moving walls on paper is a lot easier than after they’re built so plan, plan, plan and don't settle until you’ve explored all avenues.
Your certified Nelson builder should advise you if you need to assess any environmental impacts in order to get a Resource Consent for your build. Otherwise it's time to prepare a developed design and the construction plans and submit them to the council for Building Consent.
Finally, the construction of your dream Nelson home can begin. Stay calm, keep your sense of humour and trust your team to address the issues. Soon you'll be enjoying your beautiful new home that you’ve worked hard to create.